Create your first sold stock Widget

  1. Give your widget a name and add any tags that you might find useful later

Widget names and tags are only visible to you inside the app and are useful for keeping organized especially if you have multiple different widgets in different styles or for different categories of products.

  1. Choose which products you want to display the widget for

Please note: if you choose to display the widget for all your products, you can later add additional settings that make sure the widget is only displayed when the available stock is below a certain level.

You can also select to display the sold stock and available quantity levels at either product or variant of product level.

  1. Select a time frame for the sold quantity data (for example, the number of products sold in the last 60 days)

You can display data for all your orders or only orders placed within a specific time frame

  1. Choose from our High Conversion preset designs styles

You can preview how the widget will look like on both mobile as well as desktop view.

Please note if you later change the position of the widget this will not be shown in the preview.

If you’re not fully happy with a preset, or you'd like to create something new, you can choose to Customize and Design your widget.

You can change the text, its color, font and dimension, as well as add emojis. When creating your own widget, you can also change the alignment of the text. Please make sure you do not delete or replace {{quantity_left} and {{quantity_sold}}. These are essential for the widget to be able to display correct and updated figures for both orders as well as remaining stock levels.

For even more granular customization, you can also add additional HMTL or style elements of the widgets using CSS. Beneath the input box, you’ll find a list of available CSS selectors.

  1. Choose the position of your widget

For consistent widget positioning across your store, we recommend you set and apply Global Positioning Settings. These will ensure all your sold stock widgets will be placed in the same area on all your product pages.

For more information, please check out our article on Global Positioning Settings. Alternatively, if you wish to position each widget individually, you can choose the custom positioning option.

Alternatively, if you wish to position each widget individually, choose the custom positioning option.

Our Element Selector injection feature is an easy-to-use dynamic way to place your sold stock widget anywhere on the product page.

You’ll be prompted to first choose if you want your widget positioned before or after a specific element on the product page. Then you’ll need to open the Open Dynamic Selector to choose your placement.

This will open a new tab in which the product page becomes interactive and as you hover over the page, you can select with your mouse any HTML element and position the widget relative to it. The element you selected will be indicated by a dotted green line. Once happy with the placement, confirm your selection in the green banner at the top of the page.

  1. Apply any additional Settings as required

You can add an optional rule for when to display the widget based on the remaining quantity.

You can also apply optional GEO targetting settings if you only want tocks levels to be displayed/not displayed only for visitors from certain countries.

  1. Save and Activate

When done, save and activate your widget.

You can see and manage your widgets from the Home page, under the widgets tab

We hope this article was helpful, and if you need any help setting your custom position please don't hesitate to contact support by either using the Chat toggle in the app in the bottom right corner or the e-mail