How to activate OutSell

Before any funnels will be visible in your store you must activate the Outsell app from your Theme Editor inside Shopify.

Once you’ve installed the app, a Make Sure to Activate pop-up message should appear on the Homepage and Funell page. To activate follow these two easy steps: 

  1. Click the Enable Setting button and this will redirect you to your Theme Editor
  2. Make sure the slider next to the Outsell App icon is blue and click the Save button at the top right-hand corner of the Theme Editor.

If you’ve closed this pop-up by mistake, you can still enable the app from the Theme settings  section of your Shopify Admin under the App embeds tab.

  1. Once you’re inside your Theme Editor select Theme Settings from the bottom left-hand corner
  2. Go to the top right-hand corner underneath the green Save Button and switch to the App Embeds Tab
  3. Make sure the slider next to the Outsell App icon is blue and click the Save button at the top right-hand corner of the Theme Editor.